Al Raza

Welcome to my Website! If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place and can sense the approximate reason for you to be here, or may I ask,

Are you looking for an alternative treament or a natural approach to well being and away from the ailments for yourself or someone you care for?, if ... Yes...

Do you want to feel a sense of wholeness, mellowness and natural healing within you while I approach you or your loved ones body, muscles, bones, mind, brain and the nervous system with my knowledge through the art of my practice, if YES, you can call me to schedule a treatment @ 248.688.5920

And my name is Al R. Zia CMT, CranioSacral Therapist, Reiki Master and a member of AMTA and practicing in the peaceful city of Livonia in the beautiful state of Michigan.

I am AMTA certified Massage Therapist with specialization in CranioSacral Osteopathic Therapy (Currently attending preparation school for National Board Diplomate Certification in CST-D through the most prestigeous Upledger institute (the original source behind CranioSacral therapy decipline and its founder Dr. John Upledger (osteopathic surgeon)).

Also, I am a Cerified Third (highest) Degree Reiki Practioner, with a teaching certification and a Certified Reiki Master. With a clear veiw and understanding of concepts and dynamics of energy and its vagueness and blurryness due its difficulty of being quantified in its raw form for the most. I have gained my understanding and so does the medical field that now most, actually all hospitals have reiki therapists on staff since the benefits of the reiki touch are a scientific facts proven though calculations via expensive machines and quantifying electronic equipment.


OK, please place you hand on your chest, do you feel your Hearbeat, offcourse and congratuations you are alive, now place your hand on your wrist or not since I am sure you know that I am going to ask you to look or feel the pluse of the hearbeat... so you have a pulse of your circulatory system. Same is true for your breathing, you have a breathing pulse, which are so may breath cycles per minute which is a pulse of your repiratory system. Within the same concepts is CranioSacral pluse, which is the rhythm of your nervous system that is your brain and the spinal cord and all its neurology, strange but true. Your nervous system expands and contracts at a rate of 6 to 7 beats per minute which is due to many factors including but not limited the movement of the CerebroSpinal fluid (CSF)...ok since you have the idea, now I come in to provide specific therapeutic treatments which helps facilatates the optimum functioning of your nervous system (hence the whole you or your loved one) by accommodating the cranial bones, carnial nerves, spinal cord and its processes your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system etc etc and abracadabra that in the end you can see tell and feel that life is beautiful and youthful as you are and can feel a deep healing taking place within you. for example, one is experiencing severe pain behind the eyeball resulting in headache and pain within the eye, the anatomy behind  is that the tentorium fibres that leave the opthalmic nerve (attatched to the eye) which is the a division of the Trigiminal Nerve and is cranial nerve number 5 (V) which adheres to trochlear nerve and it runs posteriorily (below) with it between the layers of the tentorium (which is a facsia that seperates and buffers the two brains in between) which is a sensory nerve to the tentorial duramater and if due to stress or injury one tenses the tentorium it will result in pain being felt behind the eye and treatment in this case would consist of sphinodo-occipital compression decompression with traction onto the horizontal membrane system, and during my treatment you may feel just my hand placed lightly under your head whereas I can be facilitating a sphinodo-occipital compression by adjusting to the craniosacral rhythm and you may only feel the relief, its challenging to understand unless you are into something like that for healing otherwise, just take it as magic or rocket science. You take your pick image

Conditions that CST Adress:

CranioSacral Therapy improves your body's ability to take better care of you. It helps relieve a full spectrum of pain, illness and dysfunstion including however not limited to:

- Autism

- Migraines and Headaches

- Chronic Neck and Back pain

- Stress and Tension Related Disorders

- Motor-Coordination Impairments

- Infant and Childhood Disorders

- Brain and Spinal Injuries

- Chronic Fatigue

- Fibromyalgia

- TMJ Syndrome

- Scolioses and Lordoses

- Central Nervous System Disorders

- Learning Disabilities


- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

- Orthopedic Problems

- and Many Other Conditions



REIKI is Scienfically catagorized as a part of a new field in Medicine named as Energy Medicine or BioEnergetics, 

To show its understanding, do you know what a cardiogram is?, well it is a scientic and specific way to check the rhythm of ones heart via a medical device, in 2004 some researchers used the same equipment and placed the electrodes of the cardiogram machine at the feet of a patient and were able to get the same results of the rhythm as the electrodes placed on the chest therefore these geeks obviously questioned the reason for the results and went beyond and tried calculating the cardiogram while the patient was 15 feet away however with some modification to the device and lo behold the machine came up with the same results of the heart rhythm as when the electrodes of the device were placed on the chest of the patient, hence due to this breakthrough dicovery it was proven and accepted of a ever lasting debate of the electromagnetic man/woman, which now is believed and well proven that the electromagnetic man exists and it can be treated through energy techniques like REIKI which has its origins, understandings and knowledge in Sanskrit/Indian and Buddihism and with its organisation in specific energy techniques by Japanese in the form of REIKI Therapy or Energy Medicine.



Massage Therapy is the Manipulation of the soft tissues of the body (muscle) to reduce stress and pain, promote well being and health, strenghten immune system, reduce complication during pregnancy etc, etc.

The practice of Massage is very unique to the individual therapist which is true for all the other therapies as well and to a degree it can be viewed as a form of art within science since the approch of the practice is as dynamic and unique as a fingerprint or a kiss as no one kiss is the same and no one kiss gives the same feeling. However the approach is scientific,  like the oil colors are manufactured scientifically and come about through certain scientific chemical composition however what a painter can do with his knowledge of the paint, the brush the canvas and his own imagination can literally heal or facilitate or channel a path to healing which if done at a certain frequency can be the main catalyst to healing however massage does lot more healing than a pleasant painting based on our knowlege of its healing benefits and those are too many to list however it has the ability to reduce health complications upto 80% which results in a better you that is here for the very long and happy HAUL, For example, you have been sitiing in a office chair that hasnt been replaced for last 2 years and due to unergonomic design you are sitting with your back crouched like a panda and as a result you have developed a sore back which you may take it as just part of you and when pressd in the area you feel smal deep knots or bumps, discomfort, pain and are tired most of the time with lack of energy which in the language of massage are trigger points that are causing all the negative irritation to your being (these a micro tears in the muscle fibres and are sensitive to touch and pressure) they are drainers of energy and enhances stress and it can be massaged away with a PNF (Propioseptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) technique which will result in reduced stress, better mood, relaxed body and mind thus better productivity and better health and proactive approach to preventive care and necessity to longivity. and get it here from the very best of the BEST.